The UK’s Best Streets to Live on

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Where in the UK do most people want to live?

We’ve quizzed the people to find out which street in the UK looks the nicest to live, to retire to, and to raise a family. Read on to find out the results of this fascinating survey. The findings may surprise you!

Which Street in the UK is the Most Attractive?

You’re going to want to check Google Earth for this one and scout out some of these upcoming gorgeous locations. The UK has some absolute gems when it comes to aesthetics, with exquisite streets found in all four corners of the British Isles. No matter where you live, you won’t be too far away from a truly attractive street.

You might be interested to know that two of the most beautiful UK streets can be found in Scotland. Indeed, the number one spot in our survey was Hawthornbank Lane in Edinburgh – picking up a whopping 34 per cent of the vote. Quay Street in the Isle of Skye was the second Scottish location, rounding off the top five.

Second, third, and fourth spots were claimed by Mill Lane in Derbyshire, Dunstanville Terrace in Cornwall, and Bridge Street in South West Wales. These spots may be found in sporadic parts of the country, but they share a lot of similarities. You’ll notice a lot of greenery and vibrant flower varieties in each of them, along with stunning, quintessentially British architecture.

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Which Street do People Think is the Best to Raise a Family or Retire to?

Beautiful UK streets aren’t only pleasing on the eye, but they also serve a range of purposes. Some lend themselves better to family life, while others will appeal to retirees. During our research, we surveyed a wide range of ages to see what they came up with in these categories.


Riverside Road in Northumberland was regarded as the top option for raising a family, with Bridge Street and Dunstanville Terrace once again making the top five. It’s obvious that people in search of somewhere to raise a family are also interested in doing so on the UK’s most beautiful streets.


You may be thinking that retirees would be eyeing up somewhere different to younger people starting a family, but those three stunning streets were named once again among the old timers. Some other great streets that made the list included St. Helens Wharf in Oxfordshire and Mill Lane in Derbyshire.

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The Street People Wished They Lived on

The Streets That People Think are the Most Expensive and Would be Jealous if their Friends Lived There

Everyone would love to live on one of the top 10 most beautiful streets in the world, but it’s impossible for many due to lack of budget. Still, that doesn’t stop you from getting jealous if you know someone who lives on one. But where did our survey respondents choose in these categories?

Most Expensive

There was a heavy consensus about where people think the most expensive street in the country is. Primrose Hill in the London Borough of Camden topped the pile here, with 46.2 per cent of the vote.

There’s no doubt that of the many beautiful London streets, this is one of the best. Chilham in Kent and Great Budworth in Cheshire were also deemed among the most expensive, with these streets known to attract a lot of celebrity investment. If you want to rub shoulders with the elite, you may want to look at purchasing property in these areas.

Interestingly, most people said that they would be more jealous if their friend lived on one of the most beautiful UK streets, rather than the most expensive. Again, Bridge Street, Dunstanville Terrace, and Quay Street emerged victorious in this regard, with people clearly preferring visuals to status.

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How Locations Were Sourced

Using desk research, we looked at the most well-known desirable locations, and prettiest areas region-by-region being talked about by local blogs and estate agent guides. Gathering 3–4 locations per region, we then collected the most attractive-looking images of the street locations on Google.


We conducted an image-led survey of 28 locations around the UK, locations were kept anonymous, and participants were asked to choose up to 5 images for each question. We surveyed 1,000 people across the UK, split by gender, age, region and city.

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